Application Security Services

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Now is the time to safeguard your applications!


Having software developers on your team isn’t equivalent to having security professionals onboard. Focus areas of developers as compared to security experts are different, therefore, a large number of applications aren’t secure and fail to meet the industry standards and compliance requirements. 

According to a Forrester report, software security flaws were responsible for cyberattacks in almost half of all organizations. The Positive Technologies report claimed that hackers could attack 9 out of 10 web applications tested for vulnerabilities through theft of credentials, malware injection, and phishing attacks. Implementing application security best practices and having regular security assessments helps in keeping a check and fixing these vulnerabilities. Daffodil has a team of security experts who has experience in helping organizations secure their solutions!

Best Application Security Services Providers in 2023

Value addition to your organization with our AppSec Services

Value we deliver to the overall digital defense ecosystem of your business with MSS

Comprehensive coverage with our AppSec Services

Application security consulting

Rely on our security consultants to help you get the right guidance on application security depending on your business goals and industry standards. Our experts will furthermore analyze the gaps throughout your entire application development cycle.

Application architecture review
Application architecture review

Identify gaps in your application from the perspective of security to recognize secure design patterns, including authentication, authorization, and security event logging & response, etc.

Threat modeling
Threat modeling

Detailed analysis of application security architectures and capabilities against threats and vulnerabilities. Security threat modeling focuses on discovering different types of threats before they even appear which can in future harm your application’s infrastructure, resulting in a security breach. Threat modeling protects the solutions from potential breaches and revenue loss.

DevSecOps Services

Secure your cloud infrastructure with our DevSecOps services consisting of holistic implementation that secures the entire development stack and DevOps pipeline. Rest assured that there is continuous visibility, feedback, and insights on security threats at each stage of the software development cycle.

Source code review
Source code review

Source code review recognizes vulnerabilities that pentesters would miss without code analysis tools. White-box application security testing allows us to leverage static code security tools. The manual evaluation of high-risk functionality adds more efficiency. Combining white-box and black-box application security testing techniques secures the highest quality.

Application security assessment
Application security assessment

The application security assessment is essential to produce solutions that are free of flaws and vulnerabilities. The team of experts helps in code analysis, detection of misconfigurations, information leaks, vulnerabilities, logic issues, input validation, APIs authentication, authorization issues, etc.

API security assessment
API security assessment

APIs provide the easiest access point for a hacker who wants your data. When there is an error in an API, it affects every application that relies on that API. Ensure your APIs are secure before, during, and after production. Exposing API vulnerabilities with in-depth API security assessment & testing.

Application security training
Application security training

Get an application security training program for your team based on the vulnerabilities and threats identified from different assessments. We’ve got you covered with all-encompassing training options built specifically for developers.

Remediation services
Remediation services

We offer best-practice security guidance and advice for effective remediation to help define risk acceptance policies and isolate false positives. Collaborative vulnerability remediation coordination with application developers to fix security issues. 

Application security service success stories

Why Daffodil Software

Recognized excellence, proven customer satisfaction

Categorized as an aspirant in global PEAK Matrix assessment

Recommended vendor for custom software development services

Mentioned as a company to watch in the AI space

Categorized as a leader in digital engineering services


years of software engineering excellence


global clientele


Avg CSAT score


customer retention rate

Different types of application security testing tools we use

SAST (Static Application Security Testing)

SAST is very similar to white-box testing wherein the team will analyze your source code to look for security vulnerabilities that will make your application prone to cyberattack. 

DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)

DAST is similar to black-box security testing wherein the team will detect security vulnerabilities in an application at its production level, securing all the touchpoints & loopholes.

SCA (Software Composition Analysis)

SCA tools are used to find errors in different components of the software. They compare known modules found in code with a database of vulnerabilities. 

IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing)

IAST tools use a combination of SAST and DAST techniques to perform both static code analysis and vulnerability detection on a running application.


Let’s talk about protecting your business-critical applications

Implementation of AppSec services across industries

Innovation redefined

We provide top-notch application security services enabling you to focus on your core competencies and  to connect with your customers and build long-lasting relationships.

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Application security insights


Importance of application security

As a business owner, you know how important it is to protect your company from cyber threats. But do you know how application security can help?

Application security is essential for businesses of all sizes. With cybercrime on the rise, it’s more important than ever to protect your data and applications from potential attacks. Application security can help you do this by preventing unauthorized access to your systems, identifying and responding to threats quickly, and protecting your data from potential breaches. In addition, application security can also help you improve your overall security posture and compliance with industry regulations. It’s an essential part of any business’s cybersecurity strategy.

Ways that application security can protect your business

• Prevent data loss: Application security can prevent data from being stolen or corrupted by hackers. This is important for businesses that store sensitive information, such as customer data and financial records.

• Minimize liability: If your business is hacked, application security can help reduce the legal liability that comes with it. This includes things like damage to reputation and legal fees.

• Stay competitive: With application security, you can stay ahead of the curve when it comes to cybersecurity best practices. This can help you stay competitive in a market where cyber threats are increasing every year.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What are the ways to secure applications?

An organization can adopt either one of two approaches for application security. Either they can hire an application security company such as Daffodil to conduct application security vulnerability assessments or they can implement best practices for security at the very beginning of the development procedure. The former aims at finding application security bugs in the software, while the latter applies proven application security practices to the software environment lifecycle.

  • Risks inherent with third-party or legacy components with inherited breach possibilities.
  • Lack of required agility level to respond quickly to changes.
  • Hiring, training, and maintaining security experts.
  • Relying too much on automated tools.
  • Poor AppSec plan development.

  • SAST and DAST.
  • Manual Application Penetration Testing
  • Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
  • Database Security Scanning
  • Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST)
  • Mobile Application Security Testing (MAST)
  • Correlation Tools
  • Test-Coverage Analyzers

The primary objective of security testing is to discover the threats in the system and map its potential vulnerabilities so that these threats could be fixed and the system is zero or negligible downtime without any major exploitation. 

The aim of the security lifecycle is to improve the organization’s security practices. To find and fix preventable security issues within applications. It consists of the whole application life cycle from requirements analysis, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance.

Security testing follows a lifecycle similar to any other IT process. The security lifecycle includes identifying, assessing, protecting, and monitoring.

Application security is essential because now applications are often available over different networks and are connected to the cloud, therefore,  increasing vulnerabilities to security threats and breaches.